Annecy Catholic Primary School

We Believe All Can Succeed,

Not Some or Many

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Welcome to Annecy

Is your child due to start Reception class in September 2024?

Please contact the school office if you would like to book a tour of Annecy:

tel. 01323 894892 or email:

We warmly welcome you to join us at one of our open sessions

Our current open sessions:
11th October 2023 – 6:00pm
16th October 2023 – 9:30am 
6th November 2023 – 1:30pm

These will include an address from the Head of School, the Early Years Leader, and a school tour. This is your opportunity to experience what it is like to be a part of our learning journey, through a curiosity and a small nurturing environment. Join us to learn why we are the right school for you.

Kate Crees

Executive Headteacher of Annecy Catholic Primary School

Lucie Brown

Head of Annecy Catholic Primary School

We are delighted to offer you a warm welcome to our school family.

Annecy Catholic Primary School is a unique, inspiring and welcoming school, in which our whole community of children, parents, staff and governors work together in a caring and supportive environment to help each child grow and develop. We are very proud of our school, its achievements and in the excellent and stimulating curriculum, we offer to our children.

As a small school, we pride ourselves on knowing each child as an individual member of the Annecy family.

Inspired by the Gospel, we love life and all it teaches us, and encourage our children to achieve beyond their dreams, exploring the different gifts and talents with which they have been blessed.

Family and school partnership is essential.

We firmly believe that “It takes a village to raise a child!” This is proverb means an entire community of people must interact with children for those children to grow in a safe and healthy environment. We strive to work with you, as parents and carers, to bring your child into our school family, where they can explore and develop all their gifts and talents and grow alongside others as children of God.

We realise that choosing the right school for your child is a very important decision and one that we will do all we can to help you with. Please take the time to look through the pages that follow and discover many of the delights that we believe make our school distinctive and truly special.

If you would like to learn more about us, a visit to our school will help you appreciate the caring family-atmosphere and exciting learning community that exists at Annecy Catholic Primary School. We invite you to come and visit our school, take a tour and speak with us so we can answer any questions you have.

Mrs Kate Crees – Executive Headteacher

Miss Lucie Brown – Head of School

Promoting education as a lifelong journey and one that fulfils every child’s God-given gifts, talents & potential

Our Curriculum

We provide a school environment in which every child knows that they are loved and cared for. Our curriculum is designed to enable all children to be a success at some point in their school life. For some, this will be in reading, writing and/or maths, for others it may be PE, music, geography etc. We have designed our curriculum to ensure that every child gets to see someone that looks like them being a success and conversely that children see people that do not look like themselves being successful. It is important to us that the diversity in our curriculum mirrors that of our school and the wider community.

Why Annecy?

We provide a school environment in which every child knows that they are loved and cared for. Our curriculum is designed to enable all children to be a success at some point in their school life. For some, this will be in reading, writing and/or maths, for others it may be PE, music, geography etc. We have designed our curriculum to ensure that every child gets to see someone that looks like them being a success and conversely that children see people that do not look like themselves being successful. It is important to us that the diversity in our curriculum mirrors that of our school and the wider community.

Prospective parents sometimes ask us why non-Catholic families choose to send their children to Annecy. Rather than answer that questions ourselves, we thought it would be good to hear from some of our families:

Quite simply we loved the school. Calm, positive, friendly and we didn't feel that any of the other schools ticked as many boxes for our child.”

– Reception parent

“Because at the root of the teachings is love and kindness. we are not Catholic but I love the fact that they are taught different ideas, and the idea that there is a creator - so they can make their own minds up. it teaches them to question and has created an amazing sense of curiosity about the world, and why we are here.”

– Year 3 parent

“I would say for the caring nurturing environment, but for us the faith side was equally important, glad you tick all the boxes”

- Year 5/Year 6 parent

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