
Admissions Policy

This policy applies to admissions in the Reception Class for the next academic year from September.

Annecy Catholic Primary School is a voluntary aided co-educational day school for children ages between 4 – 11 years old, operating under the Trustees of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton. The school was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. The school is conducted as a Catholic school in accordance with the canon law and teachings of the Catholic Church and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton.

The Governors aim to offer a Catholic education. They expect that parents applying for places for their children will accept and uphold the Catholic character and ethos of the school. Nevertheless, the school fully respects the beliefs of parents/carers and children of all denominations and faith backgrounds. Children are taught respect and tolerance for others and there is provision in the religious education programme for study of different faiths.

The school was set up primarily to serve the Catholic community in the Eastbourne Deanery for the parishes of Seaford, Newhaven and Peacehaven.

Parents may also find out about our school’s admission arrangements by visiting

Admissions Policies & Statements

Admissions Policy 2022-2023
Admissions Policy 2023-2024
Admissions Policy 2024-2025
Annecy Pledge
In Year Admissions
Mission Statement
Supplementary Information Form 2022-2023
Supplementary Information Form 2023-2024
Supplementary Information Form 2024-2025

The Right to Appeal

If you are refused a place at any school you applied for, you have the right to make an appeal to an independent appeal panel. Where an application is refused, the school will set out the reason for refusal.

For applications for In Year Admissions, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. If parents wish to appeal, they must set out the grounds for appeal in writing.

There are more than 24,000 schools in England. Within the state-funded sector, all Catholic schools are either voluntary or academies.

Catholic School Myths

Myth 1: Catholic schools use admissions to select children from affluent backgrounds

Catholic schools serve more diverse and disadvantaged communities reflecting the multicultural nature of England. 18.8% of pupils at Catholic primary schools live in the most deprived areas compared with 13.5% nationally.

Myth 2: Catholic schools are only for Catholic children

Catholic schools welcome children from families from a range of faith backgrounds. 33% of pupils at Catholic schools are of other faiths or none. At Annecy, we currently have 77% of pupils from other faiths or none.
Catholic schools educate more than a quarter of a million non-Catholics and have a track record of supporting minority religions as they integrate into the local community.

Myth 3: Catholic schools only teach about Catholicism

Catholic schools are obliged to follow guidance from the Catholic Bishops' Conference which states that Religious Education must provide pupils with a basis of knowledge and theological understanding of the Catholic faith and an awareness of the faith and traditions of other religions in order to respect and understand them.

Myth 4: You have to be Catholic to teach in a Catholic school

51% of teachers in Catholic schools are Catholic. Catholic schools value and respect all staff members regardless of backgrounds or beliefs and promote and support the vocation of teaching. For certain leadership positions (e.g. Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Head of RE) there is a requirement that the position be filled by a practising Catholic in order to maintain the Catholic ethos of the school. This is in line with Equalities Act 2010