Pupil Premium

Outline of Purpose of Funding

Pupil Premium funding meets the educational needs of potentially disadvantaged children.

Our purpose in allocating the Pupil Premium Grant is to narrow the gap between children who are disadvantaged, including those who qualify for Free School Meals, or children who are ‘looked after’.
In spending the Pupil Premium, we have 2 main objectives:

  • to narrow the gap between all pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant, including the more able achievers, by improving the percentage of pupils in each year group who make at least expected progress.
  • to enrich the curriculum through a range of extra-curricular activities and enhance the social, emotional and cultural development of our children.

Guiding Principles

  • Pupil Premium funding is spent on Pupil Premium eligible children.
  • Our policy is shared with parents and is available online.
  • All pupils in the Pupil Premium group must be considered for support to raise attainment or other factors which could lay the foundation for future learning.
  • Consistent high quality support is monitored by the school, avoiding wastage of precious financial resources.
  • Activities are evaluated for impact by the school on a regular basis.
  • Success criteria are set for each child on Pupil Premium activities.
  • Focussed feedback is given to pupils, through target cards showing a clear way to improve further.
  • Our Pupil Premium Co-ordinator has a clear overview of how funding is being allocated and the difference it is making to the outcomes for pupils.
  • All our staff are aware of pupils receiving the Pupil Premium and how funding is being spent.
  • We track the attainment and progress of each Pupil Premium child on a termly basis as the Individual Assessment Summary (IAS) is produced for parents.
  • There are a range of strategies available and each child is considered for each strategy.
  • A Governor is responsible for feeding back to the Local Governing Committee about the implementation of the Pupil Premium programme.

Responsibility and Actions

  • Governing Body: Our Pupil Premium Governor reports to the Governing Body.
  • Pupils: Evaluation discussions/viewpoint questionnaires are set as appropriate.
  • Parents: Parents informed of progress via Parent Teacher meetings and through the end of year reports.
  • Staff: Pupil Premium children are discussed during Pupil Progress Meetings and performance management reviews.


How the funding may impact the provision for learning:

  • Providing individual 1 – 1 support for vulnerable individuals.
  • Funding children’s participation in extra-curricular opportunities, in our school and beyond.
  • Helping children to pay for school trips and residential experiences.
  • Purchasing teaching and learning resources (including software products and online tools).
  • Providing activities and experiences to enrich and extend children’s learning.
  • Providing additional tools and resources for individuals to access the curriculum.
  • Developing and encouraging curriculum enrichment including music lessons and attendance at clubs run outside the school day 

Review & Evaluation

Review and evaluation: To ensure that all of our Pupil Premium eligible pupils at Annecy Catholic Primary School are able to access their full potential, the above spending and interventions will be reviewed termly with teachers, support staff and other agencies with whom we work.

The date for the next Pupil Premium Strategy Review is April 2023.

Evaluating and analysing attainment and progress will enable us to push each pupil to their potential and to ensure that any gaps are addressed in a timely and effective manner.

Pupil Premium January 2024

Sports Premium at Annecy

At Annecy Catholic Primary School, we use this additional funding to build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements we make now will benefit learners joining the school in future years.

We use our funding to encourage all of our learners to engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity across the school day and to give them the chance to experience sports and activities from within their local community.